Tuesday, April 27, 2010

First day of being a Nanny

Yup, I'm trying something new.....Working every Tues until the end of June as a nanny, or babysitter, for 18 month old twins for 4 hrs. I like the word "nanny" since it sounds a tad more sophisticated, esp at my age. They got up when I arrived, about 7:30 ish, and we busy from the start. Breakfast w/ Sesame Street, trains, marbles, coloring, then outside w/ bikes, bubbles and just exploring. The mom even increased my hourly to accommodate what I'd be getting paid if I'd sub 1/2 day. She's very nice...a preschool teacher working 1/2 day herself.

So, with cash in hand, I spent the afternoon with a good friend....lunch at Panera's then walked the mall. Still have $$ in the pocket for the next rainy day :)

BTW, the kids are adorable....sweet, gentle, kind to each other...this might be the best day of my week!

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