Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Vote YES!

Today is the big state-wide vote for school budgets. Despite the fact that our governor has made incredible cuts across the board to districts, despite the fact that a radio station is promoting "NO" voting, .....all this so that our kids of NJ will bear the brunt of the fallout? Why? Yes, our taxes will go up. Yes, our teachers are not paid nearly enough for all they put up with on a daily basis. Yes, they have summer "off". Yes, the NJEA is powerful and strong.

Regardless, we need to pass our budgets to say YES to teachers, students, and to our future! Schools will be a scary place if not...imagine.....large class sizes, no aides, no extra help, no library, extracurricular.....on and on.

Can't wait to read the papers tomorrow :)

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