Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The "Floater"

No, it isn't what you might see in the corner of your eye. The floater is the common name referred to the CST substitute....the one delegated to go from room to room, filling in for the teacher who has a Child Study Team (CST)meeting to attend. This time of year is IEP review...Individual Education Plan for those "not in the know." I actually am getting to like the constant change of classes and students, and I'm getting to know more of the students I hadn't known before...not a bad thing! Sometimes it involves lunch duty, which also isn't bad UNLESS it is a nasty cold day and you're not prepared for the weather. Has happened to me more than once...one would think I would have learned my lesson by now :) Regardless, the day flies by and I'm getting paid for hanging out with kids all day.....not bad!

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