Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Where did the Time Go?'s been a while since I've written. No one is reading anyway, but here I go.
Since my sick day, I've been away for a few days w/ family. Now that's a perk of subbing...being able to take a day or two off when needed. Hve worked every day since though! Today, I thought I was a 5th gr. teacher, but when I entered the class, there she was, looking at me wondering what the heck I was doing there! Seems there was a bit of a "sna foo". The sub caller had an email from her, and the teacher put down the wrong date she was to be out on....
Needless to say, I did not leave...hey, I got up early, dressed and got in there....they were NOT going to send me home. So I answered phones, delivered stuff, and worked 3 lunches. Lots of standing and walking. I was pooped! But, I'll get paid positive thinking at work!

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