Sunday, March 28, 2010

Check your pay stubs!

Working in 3 districts, one needs to keep accurate record of where one is working each day. The way I keep record is to record the teacher or school on 2 calendars...a small one I keep in my purse, and the main one in my kitchen.
I received 2 paychecks on one day, and one district left out a day I worked. Got paid for 2 days instead of 3. The good thing is that each day was listed on the stub, AND I had a copy of what I did that day at the school. I think the problem was that I was a "floater." I was in all day for multiple meetings and multiple teachers. Sounds like a nightmare, but I like that kind of day. Especially since I like meeting new classes and students!
So, bottom line...check your paystubs!

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