Thursday, March 11, 2010

First Sick Day

In 2 1/2 years, yesterday was the first time I decided at 6:35 to call in sick....I was already showered and dressed, yet sat looking at my oatmeal and coffee, thinking I will throw up if I put any of that in my mouth. Soemthing I ate the previous night? Who knows...I had the runs and major nausea. I knew the day would turn out bad if I went in. So I called the sub caller---leaving a message, and the school---leaving a message. Then back to bed for the morning. No guilt what-so-ever. Staying home with the 24hr. bug was punsihment enough.
So today, all was well, and off I went. Besides having a hunger attack around 2 ish, I fared well. Thanks be to God!

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