Thursday, June 17, 2010

Tomorrow....First Day of Summer for Me!

No work, no babysitting (till next week). Making a list of things I need to get done this summer, like clean the basement, organize my teacher stuff and books. Also thinking about exercise and how to get rid of stress. Stress of not getting a real job again next fall.

SO, I make plans to visit friends out of state, getting my garden producing veggies, walking Chance, emailing resumes when necessary, and of course, blogging!!! Maybe I'll get a follower or 2 eventually.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Last Sub day last day of substituting for my favorite school. I left without really saying goodbye to any staff or students. I know next year each teacher will have a new combination of kids, new outlook, new expectations. This school especially is dear to my heart...its where I learned to teach, yet I've been told I'll never get a job there, I need to "spread my wings."

Maybe next year.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Subbing at the end of the School Year

Not much fun for the substitute.....UNLESS the teacher has left exciting, interesting, fun things to do that have meaning for the students. The older classes understand that most grades are in, and they can just goof-off. Maybe the younger ones don't realize it yet, but they can sense something has relaxed.
Also, they are ready for the next grade and all the excitement that brings.
This will be my last week. Next week are mostly half days anyway. AND teachers really aren't taking off unless there's a workshop, or meeting. I'm ready, too.
Subs need the break as well :)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Short Week

Memorial Day already. Besides a short week, it also ushers in June, which means craziness for the substitute! Yes, kids are hot, tired, and bored with the same old routine of school. They are SO ready for the next grade and what that brings to their teachers, new classmates, more responsibility. Yes, I believe they want to be more in control of their choices.
Back to the short week. Also short for me because I need 2 days off to attend a graduation of my niece from MIT. One positive in the sub' life...taking days when necessary. Although the gravy train is coming to an end soon...with another week or two of school, who is crazy enough to sub on half days in June?