Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Well, last Friday I had an interview....dusted the black suit off, heels on, and realized it was an "impromptu" interview....not official, but met the super and 2 principals. This is a charter school, and I was very impressed with what they had to offer the students! SmartBoards, small class size, involved administrators.
I sent off the thank you letter asap....and it's been 5 days and still haven't heard! I'm beginning to be a tad tense!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Tomorrow....First Day of Summer for Me!

No work, no babysitting (till next week). Making a list of things I need to get done this summer, like clean the basement, organize my teacher stuff and books. Also thinking about exercise and how to get rid of stress. Stress of not getting a real job again next fall.

SO, I make plans to visit friends out of state, getting my garden producing veggies, walking Chance, emailing resumes when necessary, and of course, blogging!!! Maybe I'll get a follower or 2 eventually.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Last Sub day last day of substituting for my favorite school. I left without really saying goodbye to any staff or students. I know next year each teacher will have a new combination of kids, new outlook, new expectations. This school especially is dear to my heart...its where I learned to teach, yet I've been told I'll never get a job there, I need to "spread my wings."

Maybe next year.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Subbing at the end of the School Year

Not much fun for the substitute.....UNLESS the teacher has left exciting, interesting, fun things to do that have meaning for the students. The older classes understand that most grades are in, and they can just goof-off. Maybe the younger ones don't realize it yet, but they can sense something has relaxed.
Also, they are ready for the next grade and all the excitement that brings.
This will be my last week. Next week are mostly half days anyway. AND teachers really aren't taking off unless there's a workshop, or meeting. I'm ready, too.
Subs need the break as well :)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Short Week

Memorial Day already. Besides a short week, it also ushers in June, which means craziness for the substitute! Yes, kids are hot, tired, and bored with the same old routine of school. They are SO ready for the next grade and what that brings to their teachers, new classmates, more responsibility. Yes, I believe they want to be more in control of their choices.
Back to the short week. Also short for me because I need 2 days off to attend a graduation of my niece from MIT. One positive in the sub' life...taking days when necessary. Although the gravy train is coming to an end soon...with another week or two of school, who is crazy enough to sub on half days in June?

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Long Work Week

But a happy one......I was in a great first grade class, was a floater, and in a K class.....I am loving the variety! However, this school I'm in, which I love, has let go one teacher and a few aides. I will NEVER get a job there, but I feel so comfortable and welcomed. Even those students that know me give me hugs and hellos. The principal always says hello, but he has also told me in my last interview with him that I need to substitute elsewhere to get a job.....maybe next year.
Anyway, enjoying this wonderful spring day!

Monday, May 3, 2010

District's Retirees

Wow...what a difference a week makes! Heard that at least 33 teachers were retiring from my district alone...and more are jumping on the bandwagon every day! One dear friend told me today...bitter-sweet she said....she loves kids and being in the classroom. Not sure what her plans are for next year, but she took the plunge. One more small door open for me! Actually, I know the more experienced teachers will get the job, those that aren't tenured as of yet and have received their notices. But I can hope, can't I???

Tomorrow is once again the day I look forward to nanny job w/ the twins. Tomorrow I may venture out with them to the library! Just gotta figure out how to get the car seats strapped in.......

Also, I've been assigned the worst 2nd gr. class in the other district I sub for....the day after my nanny job. I'll pray for an easy day!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

First day of being a Nanny

Yup, I'm trying something new.....Working every Tues until the end of June as a nanny, or babysitter, for 18 month old twins for 4 hrs. I like the word "nanny" since it sounds a tad more sophisticated, esp at my age. They got up when I arrived, about 7:30 ish, and we busy from the start. Breakfast w/ Sesame Street, trains, marbles, coloring, then outside w/ bikes, bubbles and just exploring. The mom even increased my hourly to accommodate what I'd be getting paid if I'd sub 1/2 day. She's very nice...a preschool teacher working 1/2 day herself.

So, with cash in hand, I spent the afternoon with a good friend....lunch at Panera's then walked the mall. Still have $$ in the pocket for the next rainy day :)

BTW, the kids are adorable....sweet, gentle, kind to each other...this might be the best day of my week!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

District said YES

Thankfully, my town voted YES to the school budget...agreeing on a slight tax increase to keep our school's programs and activities intact. Even though, we'll lose about 50 teacher and aide positions....and I still won't get a full-time job...but at least I feel better. Teachers still have to renegotiate their contract this June...and that will be interesting to see how it plays out.

I start Tues with a new weekly job...babysitting 18 month old twins once a week until end of June. Mom's a teacher and works part-time. I know the substitute gravy train will dry up the closer to the end of June it gets. And, who knows where this little job may lead....forever the optimist I am!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Vote YES!

Today is the big state-wide vote for school budgets. Despite the fact that our governor has made incredible cuts across the board to districts, despite the fact that a radio station is promoting "NO" voting, .....all this so that our kids of NJ will bear the brunt of the fallout? Why? Yes, our taxes will go up. Yes, our teachers are not paid nearly enough for all they put up with on a daily basis. Yes, they have summer "off". Yes, the NJEA is powerful and strong.

Regardless, we need to pass our budgets to say YES to teachers, students, and to our future! Schools will be a scary place if not...imagine.....large class sizes, no aides, no extra help, no library, extracurricular.....on and on.

Can't wait to read the papers tomorrow :)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The "Floater"

No, it isn't what you might see in the corner of your eye. The floater is the common name referred to the CST substitute....the one delegated to go from room to room, filling in for the teacher who has a Child Study Team (CST)meeting to attend. This time of year is IEP review...Individual Education Plan for those "not in the know." I actually am getting to like the constant change of classes and students, and I'm getting to know more of the students I hadn't known before...not a bad thing! Sometimes it involves lunch duty, which also isn't bad UNLESS it is a nasty cold day and you're not prepared for the weather. Has happened to me more than would think I would have learned my lesson by now :) Regardless, the day flies by and I'm getting paid for hanging out with kids all day.....not bad!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Half day better than NO day!

Yes, getting paid for working 1/2 day is far better than not working at all, right? I mean, staying home, sleeping in, eating left over Easter chocolate...that would have been my day. Instead, its a Thurs., work till 12ish, then home to nap, do laudry, take the dog for a walk, and ......oh yeah, eat Easter chocolate!

Yes, 2 of the districts I work in have 1/2 opportunities. Doesn't happen often, so I use it to my advantage. And there's always an advantage if you look hard enough!!!

Tomorrow, a full day. At this particular school, I call it my "Marathon Day." I love the school, but its usually a tad crazy, short prep periods (at least I get a prep at this school). And its a Friday, so the weekend follows. Also, I think its Jean Day! If you were jeans, you pay $$ which goes to charity. Fair comfortable all day for a great cause.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter Break

Here it is, Easter Break, and one of my districts is off all week, but another is back to work Thurs and Fri, and I am subbing! Yay, best of both worlds! Enjoying the beautiful weather, and by week's end, the cooler weather comes back, w/ rain, too. Anyway, I've checked out Craigslist, which does have different jobs offered. Found a tutoring one that looks like a potential summer job! Keeping my fingers crossed on that!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Check your pay stubs!

Working in 3 districts, one needs to keep accurate record of where one is working each day. The way I keep record is to record the teacher or school on 2 calendars...a small one I keep in my purse, and the main one in my kitchen.
I received 2 paychecks on one day, and one district left out a day I worked. Got paid for 2 days instead of 3. The good thing is that each day was listed on the stub, AND I had a copy of what I did that day at the school. I think the problem was that I was a "floater." I was in all day for multiple meetings and multiple teachers. Sounds like a nightmare, but I like that kind of day. Especially since I like meeting new classes and students!
So, bottom line...check your paystubs!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Where did the Time Go?'s been a while since I've written. No one is reading anyway, but here I go.
Since my sick day, I've been away for a few days w/ family. Now that's a perk of subbing...being able to take a day or two off when needed. Hve worked every day since though! Today, I thought I was a 5th gr. teacher, but when I entered the class, there she was, looking at me wondering what the heck I was doing there! Seems there was a bit of a "sna foo". The sub caller had an email from her, and the teacher put down the wrong date she was to be out on....
Needless to say, I did not leave...hey, I got up early, dressed and got in there....they were NOT going to send me home. So I answered phones, delivered stuff, and worked 3 lunches. Lots of standing and walking. I was pooped! But, I'll get paid positive thinking at work!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

First Sick Day

In 2 1/2 years, yesterday was the first time I decided at 6:35 to call in sick....I was already showered and dressed, yet sat looking at my oatmeal and coffee, thinking I will throw up if I put any of that in my mouth. Soemthing I ate the previous night? Who knows...I had the runs and major nausea. I knew the day would turn out bad if I went in. So I called the sub caller---leaving a message, and the school---leaving a message. Then back to bed for the morning. No guilt what-so-ever. Staying home with the 24hr. bug was punsihment enough.
So today, all was well, and off I went. Besides having a hunger attack around 2 ish, I fared well. Thanks be to God!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Seasoned Sub, New District

Well, today was my first day subbing in a new district. Left early, thankfully, because there was unexpected traffic along the way! The check in process was sign a half slip of paper w/ my address and who I was subbing for, get the key, then off down the hall- no map, sub book, or sub sheet to fill in and hand in at the end of the day. Even though the school and classroom were different...and schedule, the kids are the same....some interested, some not, most listen, some goof.....the 3rd - 5th grade ages don't change from district to district. Lunch early, and my prep was subbing in another class, but by 2 ish, I was in dire need of coffee or chocolate:) Will remember for day 2 in the same school.
Also, listening to other subs talk about the interview process in school district....1 had an interview (I had applied earlier last month), I am again the low man on the sub totem pole!!!
But, the day was gorgeous, I got out early enough to enjoy a walk with my pup....thinking positively!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Staying Positive in a World of Negativity

First day blogging about the life of a Substitute Teacher! I figure it's one way of getting my frustration out of the job search, especially in NJ. The job forecast is dim, negative, and certainly darn near non-existent. Graduating in 2008 from a great SJ University, I really thought I'd have no trouble finding a job.....then the economy tanked and here I am....substituting for the second year since graduating......

I'd like this blog to be about trials, issues faced by subbing, and welcoming other thoughts in this field of education.